Hello Again My New Friend! |
2024.....There's a lot going on the the collective energy field right now... |
A lot of uncertainty & fear are circulating as a vibrational undercurrent.
I sense it as a contraction & freeze from the cumulative buildup of intense events since 2020... ;) |
TranceLightworkers... Neu-Starseeds...
To be able to function and live life, these energies are pushed into the subconscious and often "numbed" out. |
Remember your
purpose....... |
I'm betting you're sensitive like me... So how do you handle the onslayght of external intensinty, while not bypassing what's happeneng out there?
Who knows~! I'm in the middle of a BI-I-I-IG Holiday Project
right now so I gotta fly
"out the window" for now... |
Have a wounderful
day! |
Yours sin-cerely &
sin-ding you SO
much love, |
PD187 |