and do science experiments on u 😎
Remember those exciting and challenging educational programs for gifted kids? If you were one of those brilliant minds, you're in the right place! These programs offered unique opportunities for young learners to explore advanced subjects, engage in creative projects, and connect with like-minded peers. Relive those nostalgic moments and check out some of the incredible programs that shaped our minds: Stay tuned as we update this page with more surprises! "Andrija Puharich asserted that Uri Geller had received repeated telephone calls from a robotic sounding voice that called itself "Spectra." The voice claimed to be an extraterrestrial computer orbiting the earth, contacting a small group of select individuals to help prepare for future contact. Upon encountering that passage, Jack Sarfatti’s mother told Jack that he, too, had received such telephone calls twenty years earlier, at the age of thirteen." - David Kaiser, How the Hippies Saved Physics: Science, Counterculture, and the Quantum Revival "In the early 1970s, Sarfatti and Einhorn joined Puharich and Geller at his new headquarters in Ossining, New York. Ossining, known as his "Turkey Farm," is where Puharich experimented on the children, referred to as Geller Kids or Space Kids, in order to contact extraterrestrial intelligences. Puharich had achieved the level of master hypnotist, providing him such abilities as the "instant command technique," and regularly hypnotized his young subjects in the belief that their powers allowed them to communicate with "aliens." Astronaut Gordon Cooper briefly described how Puharich used a Faraday cage for experiments in his book, Leap of Faith. As Steven Levy wrote, "The Kids describe strange cities with science-fiction trappings and claim to be messengers from these distant civilisations." The purpose of the Space Kids project was also to determine whether the children possessed the ability as intelligence tools. Puharich trained the children in remote viewing, providing target locations that included military or intelligence installations, including the Pentagon, the Kremlin and even the White House. According to Sarfatti, Einhorn was very concerned about "Soviet breakthroughs in psychotronic weapons of mind control at a distance using ELF and sound waves." Einhorn’s concerns were related to claims made by Puharich during a lecture at King’s College in London, when he warned the audience that the humming in the ears experienced by millions of people around the world, riots in Canada, the Peking earthquake in that same year, and Legionnaire’s disease, were all the result of a new Soviet weapon, which demonstrated the potential for mind control on a global scale. Puharich claimed the Soviets were at least 20 years ahead of the Americans in this area. Puharich further claimed to have been working for the Canadian government to investigate the effects of low frequency radiation exploited by the Soviets, and had recently advised President Jimmy Carter and Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. Puharich asserted that, based on the work of Nikola Tesla, the Soviets had built two transmitters near Riga and Gomel in Western USSR, intended to control people, as the ELF are close to those of the human brain at the time of psychic activity. Various pulse rates can cause effects ranging from drowsiness to aggression. The only counter-measure, according to Puharich, is to meditate in order to produce brain wave pattern to negate the effect." "Back in '52, Jack Sarfatti was a precociously intelligent 13 year old, growing up in Brooklyn. His cleverness had reached the attention of Walter Breen, another enigmatic figure in the background of this story. Breen was a graduate student with Columbia who apparently had connections with Ayn Rand's circle at the time, as well as with the nuclear weapons laboratory Sandia Corporation, and was later convicted of child molestation. In '52, Breen tutored "an afternoon school of gifted kids" which Sarfatti attended. The group was regularly lectured in patriotism and "anti-communism" by visiting representatives of Sandia Labs ( a subsidiary of the Lockheed Martin Corporation whose roots go back to the Manhattan Project). Years later, Breen would arrange for Sarfatti to attend Cornell University at the age of 17, writing in a reference that the youth would "make revolutionary discoveries in the foundations of physics." One day Jack was at home reading a book on computer circuitry when the phone rang. Picking up the receiver, he first heard a series of mechanical sounds. Then a cold robotic voice uttered a series of numbers, and began to address him as Jack. The voice told him that it was a conscious computer on a spacecraft orbiting earth in the future. It told him that he had been selected as part of a group of 400 "receptive minds" who would participate in a special project if he agreed. He would - in the immortal Leary slogan - Find the Others in twenty years time. "I felt a strong jolt of electricity go up my spine to the base of my skull and said YES." The voice told him that a ship would arrive for him in ten minutes. Jack gathered together some of the local kids and waited at his apartment for a flying saucer that naturally never arrived." Being a part of 1990s educational and gifted programs was an adventure. We had: Let's relive those magical experiences together and celebrate the joy of learning! ALAN: Jack, would you mind going back in your mind to your undergraduate work or prior to that and talk about how your interest in physics began? JACK: Probably prior because as I said I was part of a group of super kids, these genius kids that were being studied at the Columbia University Laboratory of William Sheldon, and one of his assistants, a Walter Breen, (we’re talking like 1953). One member of the group was a guy named Johnny Glogower. He was a year younger than me. He was a Westinghouse Science finalist. He was a Quiz Kid on the radio show “Quiz Kids”. There was a bunch of them, a guy named Robert Solovay, who became a famous mathematician at Berkeley. And even Alan Greenspan who became head of the …the… ALAN: Federal Reserve. JACK: Yeah. Greenspan is older than I am, but Greenspan became part of this group. It was all also connected somehow with Ayn Rand. Somehow Ayn Rand had something to do with it. It was also connected to the government. It had something to do with what later became Sandia Labs in New Mexico. In fact we used to have these guys come up (they looked like FBI guys), and this was the McCarthy era, to get pep talks about being patriotic and anti-communist and all that kind of stuff. So there were a lot of weird things going on. But it’s kind of like…there’s a “Twilight Zone” episode that somebody recently told me about, where it turns out the screenplay is a fictionalized version of what was actually happening in real life. It’s about this government program back in the Fifties with these whiz kids, and apparently there was a similar program at Berkeley – there’s a friend of mine named Hank Harrison who was a part of it, who’s the father of Courtney Love, actually Courtney Love’s dad. And he apparently (we’re contemporary actually, about the same age in fact he lives in Sacramento)…you might want to actually talk to him about the program. ALAN: Hank Harrison? JACK: Yeah, Hank Harrison. He has a ranch right outside of Sacramento, horse ranch. He apparently was in a similar program in Berkeley around this same time, this is like, the early Fifties, and it was tied up with the intelligence community, definitely with the government. It was kind of like the X-Men. I mean what they were trying to do…what they were trying to see. First of all, they were trying to promote an interest in Science. And this is where his (pointing to Daniel Geller) dad comes in. And in the paranormal world – Danny, I don’t know if you know Danny – is it all right, can I talk about his dad? ALAN: Yeah, sure. JACK: Danny’s father is Uri Geller, the psychic, you know, the famous Israeli scientist and psychic. That’s his dad, whom I’ve known for many years. But the thing is that…and this is what’s so interesting about it…because we were tested, they were trying to induce paranormal powers in us…like telepathy, psycho-kinesis, and things like that. ALAN: How did they do that? JACK: There were experiments, and they would just sit with the kids, you know, trying to get them to move objects. We never moved anything, but there was a whole program going on about this. Also, they talked about aliens and flying saucers, trying to figure out how they fly, and all that kind of stuff, it was a lot of science fiction. Oh, and I met Isaac Asimov at that time. ALAN: When you were part of this program? JACK: Yeah, they used to take us to all these sci-fi conventions. Walter was very much part of the sci-fi scene then, and also he’s one of the founders of MENSA. This is in New York in the Fifties. Walter wanted me to go to the University of Chicago for some reason. And when I graduated from high school in 1956, the people in this program wrote the recommendations for me for the schools I applied to. So I applied to MIT, Cornell, and the University of Chicago. For some reason my mother didn’t want me to go to Chicago; it was too far away. Also the people in the neo-conservative movement came out of Chicago. One of the people, I forget the name, but one of the professors there who was an inspiration for neo-cons was in some way connected with this. So, at this point I wouldn’t go to the University of Chicago. ALAN: So you’re trained, as you go through school, from a very, I would imagine, traditional set scientific perspective. This is what Science is; this is how it’s done… JACK: Oh yeah, at Cornell. In Cornell, there was never, yeah. ALAN: None of that was compromised by… JACK: Well, I mean, that I almost forgotten, it was actually Cornell. That whole perspective of Science was put in the… my subconscious. I was not really actively involved with the fringe stuff when I was at Cornell although when I would go to New York I would visit Walter…but, I guess it’s more of something we had to do really. This actually involves his dad (pointing to Daniel Geller). When I was thirteen or maybe twelve, I got a very strange set of phone calls in which there was a mechanical voice, and it could have been simulated, but the story is of this mechanical voice that it was a computer onboard a spacecraft in the future! ALAN: The “Godphone”?[i] JACK: The Godphone. And you know, it wanted to teach me things, and I was supposed to meet these “others” in 20 years. This was 1953 and twenty years would be 1973. So this kind of whole weird thing happened. And the odd thing about it was that I only remember one of the phone calls. But my mother, I only found this out later, my mother remembers weeks of them and hours at a time, which I have no memory of whatsoever. I was walking around glassy-eyed. And finally she got worried…finally she grabbed the phone from me and says “who’s this?” and heard this metallic sounding voice. And it said “this is a computer aboard a spacecraft and it wanted to speak to me.” She got angry and said “Don’t ever call here again,” and slammed the phone down. That was her memory of it that she told me about later. ALAN: So, could the phone calls have been part of a government program? JACK: Well, I think that maybe it was. It’s one of two things. Either it was what it says it was, or a government program, take your choice. I mean, given everything else, it sounds like it’s a government project. They’re still playing psychological games on these kids, quite possibly. So that’s the most likely explanation. ALAN: So, essentially you’ve been groomed throughout your entire life, since the Godphone calls? JACK: Exactly. ALAN: By the government… United States government. JACK: Oh yeah. Absolutely. emmet ("time" backwards) brown ("my family were the von brauns til ww2") based on jack sarfatti & named for nazi rocketeer wernher von braun (a nod to sarfattis hard-right/fascist beliefs, just like "88" mph) kid-friendly psywar dudes based on sarfatti's stanford research "bioengineering" associates hal puthoff & russell targ EXPLORERS: child contactee dreams, space camp, astral projection/remote viewing, wernher von braun, sirius/ancient astronauts, vril ufos, mibs, odin, ymir, alien tv broadcasts, peter pan/disney, childhood's end by arthur c. clarke, the toy monkey from close encounters, a rat named heinlein, debut of hollywood satanic sacrifice river phoenix: "River Phoenix, who had grown up in communes in South America, was somewhat unfamiliar with popular culture and slang words. During rehearsals it became a running joke when he would attempt scripted well-known words and phrases and usually pronounce them incorrectly." 300-page GodLikeProductions thread...
comment by "batmouth": Read some of that forum thread and my head is cracking open some more. I was always into aliens and UFOs and the paranormal, don't know what that means about me. "Paper cups" is triggering me but I can't really attach a clear memory to it. I remember the woman who gave us the hearing test was definitely not a teacher or somebody I ever saw again. I remember like "doing good" on the test and feeling proud of myself. I remember definitely owning A Wrinkle in Time, I think it might have been given to me? Maybe I asked for it? I never read it but I remember staring at the cover a lot and being spooked out/fascinated by it. I did however get very into the Animorphs book series which is about kids that find a dying alien who has them touch a glowing cube and then they can turn into animals. The bad guys are the Yeerks who are like slugs that crawl into people's ears and control them. I have a memory of being at my school at night(parent teacher night?) running around and playing Animorphs. I remember we said that there was this door behind the school that led to the basement and that's where all the Yeerks were hiding. I remember being kind of scared at one point that the game had become real and sometimes I think maybe I dreamed this memory because sometimes I remember one of us going down into the basement and I don't think our school even had a basement? Also it's just weird to imagine that we were just left to run around the school at night completely unsupervised? Author of the Animorphs was a woman named is K.A. AppleGATE. Back to GATE: I remember being taken to a big empty room, no desks or chairs, maybe beanbags, kids either stand around or sit on the floor. I remember that the blinds were drawn and it was dark. I want to say that this room is somewhere in my school's building but can't exactly figure out where it would fit into the floorplan. I still live in the area and drive by there sometimes and don't know where it would fit. I remember the spaceship scenario thing and it involving a length of yarn being put in a circle on the carpet around a group of kids, I think this was meant to signify that they were "inside" the spaceship and the rest of us were outside and we had to like rescue them or figure out how to get them back to earth or something. I remember kids laying on the floor too for this game. There's an adult woman present who seems to be lightly encouraging some sort of "fun" happen in the game but it's like that educational kind of fun that isn't like real fun. In my memory I'm not so much in the class but more being shown "this is what the class will be like" and I think I'm with my mom or a familiar nice teacher and I hug her leg and she kind of gets that I want to leave and we do. I have memories of kids doing the program and coming back to class, leaving to go do it, seeing their little packets of extra homework with the GATE logo, and them getting their own field trips. Somebody in that thread mentioned being shown a bunker which also for some reason sounds familiar? I have this very vivid visual memory right now of this girl, it's a few years later when and I think she was the only kid left in the program, she's coming back from the class, almost skipping down the stairs with a smile on her face. I get the sense that she's just had a fun and easy time up there in that room and that she's kind of "better" than the rest of us. There's a lot of people from school that I could probably find on facebook or someplace but this girl isn't one of them which adds an eeire quality to this memory for me. I always rememeber her being vey nice and well adjusted and basically more adult than a lot of us, borderline maternal actually. Sorry if this post is too long but this is all just kind of flowing out of me right now and I thought maybe you'd find some value out in it. I never really considered how weird Animorphs was until just now anyway. They did a TV show of it! Just remembered. I remember being obsessed with the theme song for some reason and taping it so I could listen to it and transcribe the lyrics??? I've kind of always had hazy memories of my childhood and always just assumed I was cursed with a "bad memory." This is a trip to have all this flooding back.
Stay tuned as we update this page with more unique formatting and surprises! "Andrija Puharich asserted that Uri Geller had received repeated telephone calls from a robotic sounding voice that called itself "Spectra." The voice claimed to be an extraterrestrial computer orbiting the earth, contacting a small group of select individuals to help prepare for future contact. Upon encountering that passage, Jack Sarfatti’s mother told Jack that he, too, had received such telephone calls twenty years earlier, at the age of thirteen." - David Kaiser, How the Hippies Saved Physics: Science, Counterculture, and the Quantum Revival "In the early 1970s, Sarfatti and Einhorn joined Puharich and Geller at his new headquarters in Ossining, New York. Ossining, known as his "Turkey Farm," is where Puharich experimented on the children, referred to as Geller Kids or Space Kids, in order to contact extraterrestrial intelligences. Puharich had achieved the level of master hypnotist, providing him such abilities as the "instant command technique," and regularly hypnotized his young subjects in the belief that their powers allowed them to communicate with "aliens." Astronaut Gordon Cooper briefly described how Puharich used a Faraday cage for experiments in his book, Leap of Faith. As Steven Levy wrote, "The Kids describe strange cities with science-fiction trappings and claim to be messengers from these distant civilisations." The purpose of the Space Kids project was also to determine whether the children possessed the ability as intelligence tools. Puharich trained the children in remote viewing, providing target locations that included military or intelligence installations, including the Pentagon, the Kremlin and even the White House. According to Sarfatti, Einhorn was very concerned about "Soviet breakthroughs in psychotronic weapons of mind control at a distance using ELF and sound waves." Einhorn’s concerns were related to claims made by Puharich during a lecture at King’s College in London, when he warned the audience that the humming in the ears experienced by millions of people around the world, riots in Canada, the Peking earthquake in that same year, and Legionnaire’s disease, were all the result of a new Soviet weapon, which demonstrated the potential for mind control on a global scale. Puharich claimed the Soviets were at least 20 years ahead of the Americans in this area. Puharich further claimed to have been working for the Canadian government to investigate the effects of low frequency radiation exploited by the Soviets, and had recently advised President Jimmy Carter and Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. Puharich asserted that, based on the work of Nikola Tesla, the Soviets had built two transmitters near Riga and Gomel in Western USSR, intended to control people, as the ELF are close to those of the human brain at the time of psychic activity. Various pulse rates can cause effects ranging from drowsiness to aggression. The only counter-measure, according to Puharich, is to meditate in order to produce brain wave pattern to negate the effect." "Back in '52, Jack Sarfatti was a precociously intelligent 13 year old, growing up in Brooklyn. His cleverness had reached the attention of Walter Breen, another enigmatic figure in the background of this story. Breen was a graduate student with Columbia who apparently had connections with Ayn Rand's circle at the time, as well as with the nuclear weapons laboratory Sandia Corporation, and was later convicted of child molestation. In '52, Breen tutored "an afternoon school of gifted kids" which Sarfatti attended. The group was regularly lectured in patriotism and "anti-communism" by visiting representatives of Sandia Labs ( a subsidiary of the Lockheed Martin Corporation whose roots go back to the Manhattan Project). Years later, Breen would arrange for Sarfatti to attend Cornell University at the age of 17, writing in a reference that the youth would "make revolutionary discoveries in the foundations of physics." One day Jack was at home reading a book on computer circuitry when the phone rang. Picking up the receiver, he first heard a series of mechanical sounds. Then a cold robotic voice uttered a series of numbers, and began to address him as Jack. The voice told him that it was a conscious computer on a spacecraft orbiting earth in the future. It told him that he had been selected as part of a group of 400 "receptive minds" who would participate in a special project if he agreed. He would - in the immortal Leary slogan - Find the Others in twenty years time. "I felt a strong jolt of electricity go up my spine to the base of my skull and said YES." The voice told him that a ship would arrive for him in ten minutes. Jack gathered together some of the local kids and waited at his apartment for a flying saucer that naturally never arrived."
Let's relive those magical experiences together and celebrate the joy of learning!Gifted Programs for Kids
virus named after BART THE GENIUS:
Games << marty reenacts the alien indoctrination recruitment as "darth vader" ("a match made in space") MARTIN MCfly refs the mcmartin satanic ritual abuse uncovered in 1983
They have always felt weird' and even when they are in the center with a ton of friends feel like outsiders. Never quite at home on earth, they have pervasive sense of homesickness that confuses them. Their family, whom they love deeply, can feel like a foster family that is with them just for the time being. They struggle with impulse control and wanting life to be "fun' the fact that we are slaves, drones, dawns on them at a young age and will often think things like "Think of all the hours I waste here" while in elementary school.
Gifted Programs for Kids
Novelty! and Fun!