Idols and False Gods

Xylophos, the Guardian and Headlord of the Forest Legion
Xylophos is the patron deity of the groves, worshipped by Kolkers, woodland creatures of the Fire Nebul, and well known by the realm’s workers of fire pits and cornfields.

His meditation rites are praised far and wide as a result, with His path to eternity inscribed in stone throughout the temples of the forest and His sacrifices and rituals praised by the great fire gods, masters of the art of combustion.

As the protector of nature, He ensures the balance of life and death in the forest, but those who harm His domain face swift retribution.

Walnocanah, the Shrouded Serpent
Walnocanah, Bloodtaker of Names, also known of Zoranthus, is worshipped by the Shadowed Abyss.

This timeless deity is said to dwell in a cave in the depths of the galaxy, where it guards ancient knowledge and grants power to those who invoke its name.

Walnocanah kills space entities with the blood of war through unimaginable magical avenues. Its cunning summons grievous creatures from far below the darkness, forcing its worshippers through bloody mass death rituals.

Jith Auaamadri, Dreamtower of the Celestial Weaver
Jith is revered by the weavers of the Night Sky tribe. She is the mother of Old Anviwayashanotham, the Silver Twilight God given immortality by the blood of great warriors since ancient times.

Legend has it she spins the threads of fate, determining the destinies of mortals with her intricate tapestry.

Walnocanah, the Shrouded Serpent
Walnocanah, Bloodtaker of Names, also known of Zoranthus, is worshipped by the Shadowed Abyss.

This timeless deity is said to dwell in a cave in the depths of the galaxy, where it guards ancient knowledge and grants power to those who invoke its name.

Walnocanah kills space entities with the blood of war through unimaginable magical avenues. Its cunning summons grievous creatures from far below the darkness, forcing its worshippers through bloody mass death rituals.

Erased from the ancestral memory of the Wild Spring Mountains, she lays vast piles of silver and gold for gatekeeping mantles and crawls into the early morning sun sun like a sentinel.

Her followers seek her guidance in matters of love, war, and fortune - "One cannot escape the darkness alone; always seek the word of old men and creases."