Synthetic Caffeine©: From the federal scientists who brought us COVID-19, crack & HIV!

Ever wondered where all the caffeine in every energy drink, soda & most store-bought coffee comes from? Answer: synthetic caffeine                                 "yikes!  "             

In the study, they describe use of a technique called stable-isotope analysis to differentiate between natural and synthetic caffeine. The test makes use of differences in the kinds of carbon isotopes – slight variations of the same element – found in caffeine made by plants and caffeine made in labs with petroleum-derived molecular building blocks. Their analysis, which takes as little as 15 minutes, found four products that contained synthetic caffeine, despite a "natural" label.  -

Think you’ve never drunk synthetic caffeine? You've probably consumed synthetic caffeine this week, or even today. You may be drinking it right now.......

Known as 'caffeine anhydrous,' synthetic caffeine was developed by the Nazis in 1942 to keep caffeine supplies going during embargoes put in place by the war. By 1953, Monsanto and Pfizer both had synthetic caffeine factories running in America. Synthetic caffeine starts with ammonia. Ammonia is converted to urea. Then they combine urea and chloroacetic acid to produce a compound called uracil. In turn, uracil is processed and converted to theophylline. The final touch is to add methyl chloride to produce the final product: methylated theophylline – otherwise known as synthetic caffeine.

Unfortunately for the caffeine industry, this raw synthetic caffeine often glows, a bluish phosphorence. This glowing is removed by rinsing the caffeine with sodium nitrite, acetic acid, sodium carbonate and chloroform.

And the pure stuff is strong. Lethal in small doses. You need to be very careful with it. A sixteenth of a spoonful gives you the same hit as a large coffee, a quarter teaspoon will lead to a racing heart, sweating and acute anxiety. A tablespoon of caffeine will kill you.

Back in 1995, the Pfizer plant in Grocon, Connecticut, had a major accident in which a yellow cloud of lethal nitrogen oxide escaped the plant and the entire factory had to be evacuated.

Almost no synthetic caffeine is produced in the United States anymore. The majority of synthetic caffeine is now made in China.

3 Chinese factories export a total of 4 million kg of caffeine to the USA every year.  The majority of the world’s synthetic caffeine comes from just one Chinese town: Shijiazhung – a heavily polluted industrial city in Hebei province.

The biggest caffeine factory in the world is the CSPC Innovation Pharmaceutical Company. It produces 1.8 million kg of caffeine for the US market alone.

There is very little information or scrutiny in the world of synthetic caffeine. Almost nobody knows their caffeine is not naturally extracted and the soda/energy drinks industry is no rush to make this clear on their packaging. Even government agencies sometimes find their inspections requests denied. For example, the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and Healthcare attempted to inspect the CSPC factory for health and safety checks on behalf of the European Union. Their attempts were blocked and denied by CSPC and in turn CSPC is no longer allowed to export synthetic caffeine to the EU. By 2013, 4 of the 5 biggest caffeine manufacturers in China had had their license to export to Europe revoked. That's worrying.

At least the EU had tried and failed to inspect these caffeine factories…what about the FDA in America? Nope. They don't seem to be.

Very few foreign inspections appear to happen and it looks like they rely on self certification, which is a dangerous path and opportunity for cutting costs and corners – particularly in a country like China, regularly in the press for food & drink poisonings. So far, it appears that the FDA has visited just one caffeine plant in China and the report on their visit makes for some worrying reading. There are multiple serious health and safety dangers including accumulated debris everywhere, rusting throughout, no hygiene standards/hair nets/gloves, spillages, you name it. They are producing synthetic caffeine in a filthy factory, and this factory is a supplier to Coca Cola, Starbucks and Dr. Pepper amongst many others.

In short, the caffeine industry is totally esoteric & opaque, with almost no publically available information, and what information is available is very concerning.

So where does this synthetic caffeine go?

In most of the caffeinated soda & energy drinks you drink anywhere in the world.

Manufacturers are not obliged to state if the caffeine is natural or synthetic. So, under the ingredients section, it simply states ‘caffeine’.

The only country in the world where you are guaranteed to have natural caffeine in your drinks is Japan. Japan outlaws the use of synthetic caffeine in food and drinks as an additive. So, all caffeine used is natural caffeine extracted from tea or coffee in Japan.

This synthetic caffeine is expertly blended with carbonated sugar drinks to produce those famous soft drinks we all know and think we love.

Do the soda drink makers have to state how much caffeine is in the can?


All that’s required is to state that it has caffeine.

And do drinks makers have to say whether it’s natural or synthetic caffeine?

That’s a no again.

Sometimes, synthetic caffeine is occasionally misblended and the results can be disastrous.

In September 2010, over a hundred thousand bottles of Sunkist were withdrawn after customer reported stomach pains, throwing up and hospitalisation following an error in the blending of caffeine into Sunkist drinks. The caffeine levels found in these Sunkist bottles were off the charts – each 350ml bottle had been dosed with 750mg of caffeine – that’s the equivalent of 6 Red Bulls.

However, the main issue with synthetic caffeine is that the public don't seem to know it even exists, where or how it’s made.

If you are not on medication and otherwise completely healthy and all of a sudden have a permanent metallic taste in your mouth, you are being recorded (but not watched) 24/7 (as seen in A Scanner Darkly).

The lack of scrutiny and transparency, as well as the lack of information on food and drink labels, is an accident waiting to happen and globally legislators need to wake up and "smell the coffee" that regulators need to review the situation.

Let's take a moment and see what someone should do if they actually wish to test themselves for synthetic caffeine nano-disease. To make any connection at all you must recognize these are coming from your body which in a normal environment is completely impossible.

Everyone knows coffee stains absolutely everything. It's a nightmare to clean. It should be no surprise that when dealing with co-polymer nano-fibers this principle is no different. The test is basic. The purpose is to simply allow the coffee's acidity to saturate your mouth and the nano-fibers will slowly be extracted and then stained by the coffee. Why this actually happens is unknown by myself.

To begin simply get a cup of hot store-bought coffee (McDonalds, Dunkin).

Pour a little into the sink. See anything? No. Of course not. It's just coffee. Nothing to see here. Check your mouth if you care, it's clean. If not just brush your teeth.

Sip a little coffee, swish it around in your mouth for a bit, maybe gargle. Spit it out. What do you see? Some people will see nothing at first, the coffee has to saturate the oral cavity. Some people will immediately see small strange specs or fibers. Now think for the first time in your life, I thought the coffee and your mouth were pure and clean? Therefore this must be impossible right?

After repeating this test a few times, specifically gargling, you should start to see large globs of nano-fibers come out. They never stop. You can do this test for hours and more and more fibers will come out of your mouth.

A little disgusting yes, but necessary for demonstration purposes. Look at your tongue. Nano-fibers get caught in your tongue's hairs (your tongue has hair obviously).

There you have it. Chemtrails spray nano-fibers. You breathe, eat and ingest these nano-fibers. It's impossible not to. Could you put these nano-fibers from your mouth under a microscope? You could but it's not realistic because they are all stained. It's much better to get a sample of pond water or water from the street or sewer drain or leave a small dish of water outside for a while to get nano-fibers that are falling from the lower atmosphere after some chemtrail spraying.

Now what do they do? Why? Why on earth would this be happening?

Brace yourself, you still have to think, I know it's difficult but hang in there. Nano-fibers deliver nano-components as reflected above. These nano-components encapsulate neurons and bridge synapses throughout your body or to a greater extent install nano-implants. Again, for what? Why? To control you. That's why. To read your mind, thoughts, see what you see and hear what you hear. Essentially turn you into a cyborg, in standard computer science circles this would be called a BioAPI or wetware. It's for mind control. Plain and simple. They even show you examples of what they can do in every day life, so continue on for several awesome media examples and real life mind control references. It's all real, they did it all.

Synthetic caffeine is a huge logistical operation.

Larger than the Hoover Dam, Trans-Alaska pipeline or the "Moon Landing." It's large. And expensive. The biggest mistake one can make is assuming there is only one reason for synthetic caffeine. Just like the chemtrails that spray this compound on us, there are about five or six reasons and possibly more. The top six are listed below with a brief summary. This web site is concerned with the last. A visual overview may help by reviewing a flowchart here.

Caffeine Dortho-Particles Blocking the Sun: This is the standard reason given to fools in the government. We need to secretly stop global warming, so keep it a secret that we're spraying. Global warming is the catch all con for everyone in the government. If you're smarter than this they'll give you a better reason.

Caffeine Powder Reflecting the Sun (Again): A reduction in sun light across the planet works well to decrease or manipulate crop yields slightly. This is part of the requirement to engineer a food crisis and bring in a famine. You can dismiss this.

Caffeine Superheating the Atmosphere: In order to create earthquakes and steer hurricanes (for example hurricane Katrina in New Orleans) the atmosphere needs to be more conductive for electricity so installations such as HAARP (HAARP is just what they want you to see, HAARP has nothing to do with anything) can work their magic. So the chemtrails spray barium and aluminum among other things to create a more conductive upper atmosphere. In The Phoenix Rises (2012) they tell you exactly this @ exactly ~16:00 in the movie as they specifically talk about chemtrails. For your information barium has nothing to do with the BioAPI, nano-fibers or nano-tech at all.

Personal Brain Health Erosion: As a side effect everyone's health and immune systems become slightly compromised. This is usually not an issue for most healthy people. Older people on average will now die sooner and any health complication is slightly more likely to be fatal. This is both a side effect of synthetic caffeine and intentional.

Depopulation/Climate Modification: To help or hurt crops, keep skies clear for a major event (like the Olympics), cause a typhoon, steer super storms, etc.
Nano-fiber Propagation: To universally install a BioAPI in everyone they need to spray nano-fibers. These fibers cannot be put into the food supply or given in some other way, the uptake across the population would take forever and not propagate very effectively. It's much easier just to spray everyone like an insect; and because it's happening to everyone the universal herd mentality of the unwashed masses then justifies it.

Caffeine Nano-fibers specifically are a transport mechanism. Nothing more. They hold a payload for delivery. A payload that would otherwise be compromised by the sun or atmosphere or not make it to its destination (your body). Such as viral RNA code, metals such as aluminum, nano-components, etc. The fibers are (surprisingly) quite harmless as everyone has them. Examples of these fibers can be found all over the internet or in the physical examples section of this site. The fibers must be independently sprayed, if they we're added to the jet fuel the extreme heat would destroy the payload.

So it's not the fiber that is critical, it's the payload.


This is a complicated question. The people creating and doing this are trying to force Biblical principles onto the populace (including themselves) through technology. For example the seven deadly sins. They take a basic human requirement (food, sex, a specific emotion) and quantify it (within synthetic caffeine). If the result is to extreme (for example you eat too much) or you do something not approved of then they decide that you're not worthy of life or judge you accordingly. In the alternative your are added to a program. The possibilities for caffeine or nano-tech in general is endless. Therefore you should not focus on any one reason as being the end all purpose. It's too dynamic. It's to complex. The Maxine newspaper comics and greeting cards trigger it. As I mentioned on the top of page 5 of the media references - 'the Synthetic Caffine is the greatest revelation in human history'. For example see the last paragraph of the description for Hexille (2017), specifically the trailer for H+ mentioned in it. Data is only giving you one angle of the Synthetic Caffeine BioAPI - the nano-tech disease and all the implications that encompass it.

There are essentially two phases involved with the installation of the BioAPI. I categorize it as phase 1 and phase 2. If you can imagine a new laptop computer, all it has is the operating system like Windows, so it's kind of useless. This would be the equivalent to phase 1. So a new computer can be remotely controlled (aka phase 1, see Surrogates (2009)) by your IT tech support guy, but that is all. There are no programs installed (provided by phase 2) to do much else with it. These names of a phase 1 and 2 are not necessarily just random nonsense I made up, see the clip and movie for Control Factor (2003) in which they use these exact names in the exact same context; because they are telling you everything.

Phase 1: Everyone on the planet is affected and involved in this phase. Everyone to some extent has the nano-fibers within their body cavity, and therefore wired ['I'm wired too.' - Michael Hall, Gamer (2009)]. Side effects include a clicking sound from within the skull and basic annoying body complications like aching joints. This phase provides complete remote control of your speech and thought patterns through suggestion (partially subconsciously). I guess about 99% of the populace of the entire planet has this phase complete.

Phase 1 could be construed as positive and beneficial to you, at least in the future. See James HaTHerton (2012) for more information. You should also see question 9 of the FAQs.

Chloroacetic acid (1) is neutralized in water. This neutralized product is treated with an equimolar amount of sodium cyanide (2). An equivalent amount of acid is added: sulfuric or hydrochloric (3) and the mass concentrated to a thick syrup. Benzene (4) is added and the salts removed by filtration. The benzene is removed by distillation to yield cyanoacetic acid.

(1)Chloroacetic acid is a chemical reaction of splitting trichloroethylene (1A) using sulfuric acid as a catalyst. (1A)Trichloroethylene, aka TCE is a chlorinated hydrocarbon commonly used as an industrial solvent. Banned in Europe & most countries as a known carcinogen, poisonous & infectious material, it remains legal in the USA. (2)Sodium cyanide is an inorganic compound with the formula NaCN. This highly toxic colourless salt is used in gold mining. (3)Sulfuric acid is a strong mineral acid used in car batteries, ore processing, fertilizer manufacturing & oil refining. (4)Benzene is an organic chemical compound with the molecular formula C6H6. It is a colorless and highly flammable liquid. Because it is a known carcinogen, its use as an additive in gasoline is now limited, but it is an important industrial solvent and precursor in the production of drugs, plastics, synthetic rubber and dyes.

The 8-methylcaffeine obtained from uric acid (uric acid is the final oxidation product of metabolism and is excreted in urine.) is chlorinated using sulfurylchloride (sulfurychloride is not found in nature & is composed of sulfur (1), oxygen & chlorine) to yield trichloromethyl (2) -caffeine, then hydrolyzed to yield caffeine.

(1) Sulfur is most widely used in black gunpowder, matches & insecticides.

(2) Chlorination of methyl chloroformate produces Diphosgene. Diphosgene was originally developed for chemical warfare by the Germans in WWI. Its vapors were found to destroy filters in gas masks & then become a pulmonary agent in the victim's body.

Phase 2: This phase must be triggered (by nano-trigger-bots) and is extreme. It completely compromises your health and can do anything from kill you to simply monitor you. This phase cannot be forced onto you like phase 1 (technically it can but they don't do that yet). This involves multiple nano-sensors from ocular to heart and everything in between. I figure about 2% of the population has gone through this phase. If this phase is triggered in you they consider you evil as shown within the media examples page of this site. You must do something to trigger this phase, including eating cheap red meat, kissing specific people, using specific corporate health care/beauty products, etc. The objective they are (partially) reaching for here is to connect each event with a deadly sin of some sort. For example morgellons would be connected with vanity because your skin goes to hell. Ultimately this phase provides complete remote control of your body and mind, including the monitoring of your emotions, thoughts, body functions and everything in between. Phase 2 then can be considered a nano-tech disease (as clearly shown in the Family Guy clip) in which the contagious aspect can be switched on and off. For example I have phase 2, but I am not contagious, but I can be if they decide to make me contagious in some way - typically kissing. This allows them to completely control the transmission/vector or spreading of the nano-disease. If you want to get specific, the nano-tech or nano-implants that compose phase 2 of the BioAPI is actually just the vehicle they use to monitor, torment, test and hurt people. The disease itself is actually one of dishonor. The more dishonor you demonstrate, the more they hate you, the worse things get for you. They do not want people to figure that out. See Meeting Evil (2012) for clear details. Phase 2 can or is definitely detrimental to your life. That is the point of it. A cure can be found in the review for Rise of the Zombies (2012).

You can 100% confirm if you have phase 2 or not by seeing an eye doctor and asking him to look for anomalies exactly where the ocular implant is located. The implant is still a camera and therefore must conform to the laws of physics and optics still so it must, just like your eye has, have a concave lens which it does. You might be able to slightly feel it at night when your falling asleep when your eyes are dryer and you move your eyeball around with your eyes closed. More information on the implant's location is available here.

The history of the Nazis specifically covers the contraction of phase 2 of synthetic caffeine and the physical side effects there from it. This 1996 N.R.A.-funded documentary, no clip provided, does a good job at covering multiple aspects of the contraction of caffeine, the nano-tech disease and BioAPI in general, both good and bad. They show a couple triggers (coffee, meat and hard drugs) which makes her sick, complete with heavy zombie overtones. They also show a possible positive aspect such as accelerated healing. The entire movie, every scene, becomes like a documentary. "Black Rifle" coffee took their name from this film.

Neuron example Of course with something as extreme as nanotech being installed within people's body's you would assume there would be health implications and side effects. This is correct and covered on this site. The approach to handle these side effects has been one of "embrace and extend" it's called. There are several examples in the media section that show how the specific side effects listed below are recognized and then associated with something ridiculous or stupid which then discounts the authenticity in the mind of the viewer. In effect convincing the viewer to dismiss a real side effect as being something that's too crazy to be real. Each side effect is dealt with in a media example. Additional technical possibilities are also talked about in the BioAPI details section. Additional side effects related to phase 2 are covered in the clip for Contracted (2013).
Phase 1 & 2 - Cranium Clicking/Screeching: A phase 1 side effect goes back as early as 2001. Exactly what is happening is not completely known but involves some sort of nano-chip being installed/operated in the cranium (your head) of the host. This is probably the equivalent of a CPU of some sort. The actual clicking/screeching sound observed is usually at night on average once a month and only lasts for a few seconds. Completely painless and easily ignored or passed off by the person. The entire purpose of the movie Shutter Island (2010) is to discount this. The nano-implant that is specifically and clearly responsible for this side effect is symbolically referenced in the second clip for Surrogates (2009). I suspect over time they have improved this side effect.

Phase 1 & 2 - Aching Joints, Headaches, Fatigue, etc.: The saturation of synthetic caffeine has different effects on different people. The sheer numbers involved results is a random combination of health implications. Most people will not notice anything, or pass any slight symptom off as getting older. Other people who have more of a reaction will go to the doctor and get diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is a catch all disease that was created about a decade ago to give doctors something to tell the patient when they complained. The doctors can't accurate diagnose or understand what or why a patient is feeling a certain way, so the corrupt medical establishment gives them this nonsense to spew. These side effects are primarily phase 1 but are a constant problem across the board. Notice the root word of fibromyalgia is fib[e]r, it's not a coincidence. This Family Guy clip indirectly references Fibromyalgia.

Phase 2 - Itching: For whatever reason they may force harsh itching on you when they do not agree with what you are doing or how you are behaving. You probably will have no idea it is phase 2 at the beginning. This is shown in Flash of Genius (2008) when they show her typing and zoom in on her hand (@ 44:50 in the movie) when she itches it. She's presumed to be a bad wife for leaving her husband (no clip is provided; screenshot here; you'll have to read this whole site to understand this). The exact same concept is shown in Lay the Favorite (2012) where Bruce Willis itches his forearm clearly and intentionally after referencing it a few seconds earlier (screenshot here). Why? Why would they put that in? I mean millions of dollars are spent on these scripts and production thereto. This happens in real life to countless people around the world all day long, he's being warned. Why? Because in the movie he's thinking about cheating on his wife with the hot blonde that just walked in. In people with phase 2, the BioAPI is monitoring thought and emotional patterns which if conflict triggers an itch; it's automated. For example lust + guilt (because he's married) do not go together. Think Pontypool (2008). So they are judging you (or more accurately people with phase 2 who are pre-targeted). Itching is also shown in Fast Zombies with Guns (2011), as they turn into zombies [contract phase 2 in real life] they itch a lot. Again, why show this? Because it's real. Most targeted individuals will understand the extremely itchy forearm. So itching is not a side effect in the common sense of the term; it is instead intentionally inflected via the BioAPI as reflected in the aforementioned references .

Phase 2 - Burning Smell: Phase 2 encapsulates the person's ability to smell, so they can read/write scents. It's used to help warp the reality of someone they have specifically targeted (aka Black Limousine (2010)). When inhaling or specifically exhaling quickly its often a burning/smoke smell that is noticed. This is an unwanted side effect - or more accurately to encapsulate any neuron in the body involved in sensing (for example, smell, taste, etc.) there ends up being be some minor side effect. Interestingly when I cry the smell is amplified and it smells like buttered popcorn of all things. An example of how the media discounts this is demonstrated in the movie Bandits (2001).

Phase 2 - The Left Eye: One of the concepts they push in the movies is the left eye is evil for some reason. Or to a lesser extent use the eye as a gateway to demonstrate functionality such as with Technotise (2009) or Gamer (2009). In phase 2 an actual nano-camera will be installed in the left eye. People with this might comment on how they feel like there's a small bump in their eye under slightly drier conditions such as when going to sleep at night. This is documented in the physical example page. Note if you figure out you have a camera in the left eye they will probably install something in the right eye too. Clips referencing this concept are now available here, here and here and now also Doomsday Book (2012).

Phase 2 - Permanent Metallic Taste: Some people will comment on a metallic taste in the mouth. Typically when going to sleep it becomes prevalent. In the alternative, the temporary compromising of taste buds is shown in the clip for Contracted (2013) @ 2:18. It is not a side effect of medication, that's the typical response a doctor will give you.

Phase 2 - Morgellons: Morgellon's can strike anyone. It's a direct problem from the nano-fibers, whether intentional or accidental. The body's immune system can't see or recognize the fibers at all. So when the body can't accept the fibers anymore it beings to push them out through the skin. But the skin is a barrier because the fibers are too large. So the skin breaks up which is why people get lesions. Note that technically everyone has morgellons (nano-fibers), the actual mogellon's symptoms are when the person's body tries to get rid of them the only way possible. Some more conclusions can be seen here and examples within media references including this.

Ultimately you need some proof. This is very difficult, as we all don't exactly have nano-tech labs in our basements. The only thing possible at this point in time is to put out the physical evidence that is known and back it up with media/movie supporting clips. A complete list of unbelievable things this technology can do is listed here, also make sure you see the real life body & mind control examples in Media References. Last call... The thinning of the veil is here!

In 1999 the world changed. The money trust, the law (commercial code/contract law, applicability of public/statutory presumptions, etc.), technology (nano-tech), and the general direction of the planet completely changed. In order to even remotely grasp what is happening you must disconnect your mind from the last century's way of thinking. Failure to change the way you think will preclude you from seeing reality accurately. There is no money anymore, taxes are a thing of the past and no written law applies to you.

So what we now have is a real brave new world. The purpose of this site is to simply show the extent at which they have leveraged nano-technology directly on you, how they control everyone on demand with it, and end the confusion around the subject of chemtrails and how they fit into the larger picture while showing how the media and movies are conditioning the mind of the general public.

Let's just get right to it. Forget everything you know. Here it is, the epitome of reality. This video is the best example that summarizes what's happening or has happened in your body already. This is the most prevalent secret in the whole world because it has been forced onto everyone unknowingly.

What you see here is a nano-bot encapsulating a neuron or synapse (for example your purkinje neurons) or other nerve ending/bridge. It's only a simulation, but accurately summaries everything that has happened in the past decade. This allows complete control of the host (your body) remotely as demonstrated repeatedly in the movies (for example Metropia (2009), Ultrasonic (2012)). A more sophisticated set of nano-bots would and very well has subsequently allowed for a complete and full BioAPI to be installed without the host (you) even knowing it. If you want to get technical your neurons have been encapsulated, your synapses have been bridged.

The basic end-result of synthetic caffeine consists of a set of nano-wires tethered to electronics in the main catheter such that they will spread out in a "bouquet" arrangement into a particular portion of the brain's vascular system. Such arrangement could support a very large number of probes (in the millions). Each n-wire would be used to record, very securely, electrical activity of a single or small group of neurons without invading the brain parenchyma.

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