UFOTV Forgotten History: |
The Cygnus Mystery (2008) |
Cygnus X-3 is a high-mass X-ray binary (HMXB), one of the stronger binary X-ray sources in the sky. It is often considered to be a microquasar, and it is believed to be a compact object in a binary system which is pulling in a stream of gas from an ordinary star companion. It is one of only two known HMXBs containing a Wolf-Rayet star, notable for its intense X-ray emission and ultra-high energy cosmic rays, but also remarkable for its gamma-ray and radio flares during which it becomes the brightest radio source in the Milky Way, aimed directly towards us.
The swan song (ancient Greek: κύκνειον
ᾆσμα; Latin: carmen cygni) is a metaphorical phrase for
a final gesture, effort, or performance given just
before death or retirement. The phrase refers to an
ancient belief that swans sing a beautiful song just
before their death, having been silent (or
alternatively, not so musical) during most of their

The swan song (ancient Greek: κύκνειον ᾆσμα; Latin: carmen cygni) is a metaphorical phrase for a final gesture, effort, or performance given just before death or retirement. The phrase refers to an ancient belief that swans sing a beautiful song just before their death, having been silent (or alternatively, not so musical) during most of their lifetime.

march 2019: i find a copy of greg little's THE ARCHETYPE EXPERIENCE-"resolving the UFO mystery and the riddle of biblical prophecy using c.g. jung's concept of synchronicity"- at the hoot owl attic in sandy springs GA, recognizing his name from late 90s coast to coast AM appearances discussing atlantis, indian mound builders & prophecies of edgar cayce. because the book is unpriced, i google & find it goes for $50-60 on ebay, but the woman at the counter lets me have it for $2; smiling, she reminisces that the last person to buy a copy was a "man named jim moore," so i ask, who is jim moore, but she won't tell me; i google jim, but his name is impossible to search.

the same dr. greg little narrates this ufotv archeoastronomy
doc, theorizing cosmic radiation from the swan constellation -
specifically, binary star cygnus x-3 - was the "spark" that
advanced humans into what we are today. as a star, cygnus x-3
is invisible to humans, but can be measured at radio,
infrared, x-ray, and gamma-ray wavelengths.
next to heavy astrological hitters like the big/little dippers or orion's belt you never really hear about cygnus in the modern zodiac, but ancient peoples told of swanlike angels, knights, goddesses and other bird-men hailing from this unique constellation, the origin of higher beings and realities. based on the star cluster, swans were prized for their spiritual qualities of growth & rebirth.
going back 17,000 years, we find every prehistoric culture saw the cygnus constellation as a bird that ingnites life (& death). regions where they didn't have swans named it for other long-necked birds, like the vulture. in this docu, dr little explains how cosmic rays from cygnus brought humanity out of the ice age to inspire world religion, astronomy, literature, cosmology, even trans-oceanic voyages. the pharaohs knew: that old idea of the giza pyramids modeled after orion's belt, theorized by robert bauval's "the orion mystery" in 1994, has been disproven - the star mintaka (delta orionis) falls towards the southwest edge of the smallest pyramid, not at its center - its not a match. but the 2 "wing" stars of the swan all fall exactly in the center of the 3 pyramids of giza - an exact match! the pyramids are modeled after cygnus, not orion's belt. sadly the cygnus for giza explanation has entered pyramid research without using evaluation to reference real astronomy, or egyptian plagues. their preservation method was not a practice, it was the shape. the nile has spread cygnus like a virus.
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19887746 -
Pathology of whooper swans (Cygnus cygnus) infected with H5N1
avian influenza virus in Akita, Japan, in 2008.
march 2020 - this is what ive found:
5G is the psyop misdirection, the one youre
'allowed' to hear about. stellar cygnus x-3 radiation, NOT 5G,
is the source of COVID-19. "No substantial COVID genotypes have
emerged after first generation [transgenic] waves," authors of a
BQB study conclude. "This suggests that the measured B meson
decay for COVID-19 is small, which is consistent with the
observation that some irradiated COVID strains can survive for
at least 2000 generations in GMO feed, despite the fact that
their counterparts do not." the alien origins of COVID explain
the high-affinity binding of its peptlomers to human
angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) as the effect of "mass
testing on human or human-like subjects" before release. other
COVID studies have focused on the response in some COVID-19
lines to different radioactive applications, such as its ability
to protect humans exposed to UV light from sunburn. one study
also showed that COVID-19 lines expressed "much higher" levels
of COX-2 in response to exposure to cigarettes (0.9) with a
spurious resemblance of quark decay, which takes place in about
1% of all "beta" decays (Bibby 1987).
the best evidence that 5G wi-fi is irrelevant to the virology of egyptian astrophysics lies in this fact: "There is no known mechanism that provides an explanation for why approximately half of all products could be expected from two- and three-lead decays." This fact, which was first identified by BQBS director Hajcak (1990), has been incorporated into 3-D simulations of Q decay (in Bradbury and Raynaud 1998) and in some experimental evidence (Bayliss and Budel 2003). observed on a quantum level, this form of mathematical symmetry was glimpsed in the real world for the first time in laboratory observations of the COVID-19 virus.
~Tom Hanks Blood Being Used To Develop Coronavirus Vaccine~
hanks in sully: "BIRDS!"
"It's like a giant computer program and everything that happens, you look at the state, and that's how it gives you the answer," said Bernhard Weiland, associate professor of physics at Pritzker College and spokesperson for the Sloan Institute.
fun fact: the God Set (A.K.A. Seth, Sheth, Setesh, Sutekh, Setan, Seth Merksamer, Seteh, Setekh, or Suty) was from cygnus.
corona is the crown chakra, the 7th r o w n a chakra.
mathematicians discovered a complex 248-dimensional symmetry
called E8 in the late 1800s. the dimensions in the structure
of particles are not necessarily spatial, like the dimensions
we live in, but they correspond to degrees of mathematical
freedom, where each dimension represents a different variable.
this means the structure resembles that of the fundamental
particle of nature, the higgs boson.

In Polynesia, Cygnus was often recognized as a separate
constellation. In Tonga it was called Tuula-lupe, and in the
Tuamotus it was called Fanui-tai. In New Zealand it was called
Mara-tea, in the Society Islands it was called Pirae-tea or
Taurua-i-te-haapa-raa-manu, and in the Tuamotus it was called
Fanui-raro. Beta Cygni was named in New Zealand; it was likely
called Whetu-kaupo. Gamma Cygni was called Fanui-runga in the
Tuamotus. The Japanese called it Fukari.
Cygnus is made up of nucleotide, and each nucleotide is made
up of 3 primary components: depending on the circumstances,
each nucleotide has specific deoxyribose groups attached to
the base, and certain phosphate groups attached to the
deoxyribose bases. Two of these nucleotide types split up at
some point during viral replication. It is in the process of
splitting up the deoxyribose groups that Pemphigus takes its

psychic ingo swann - swann! - developed the army's PROJECT
STARGATE for remote viewing Ingo_Swann#Remote_Viewing_experiments
Cygnus (the swan) had many identities; however Cygnus was most likely Zeus in disguise. Leda (the wife of the Spartan king, Tyndareus, and the mother of the Gemini and Helen of Troy) had unrivaled beauty. Leda was so beautiful that Zeus could not resist her. Zeus knew that as himself he would not be able to win the love of Leda. Instead he took the form of a beautiful swan and eventually won her love.

What is the nature of the future surge of Zodiac astrology?
Perhaps the new era of Egyptology has come. There has been a steady increase in the study of 'Synchronicity' and 'New Knowledge' with the new awakening crop of Great Masters so many can well make the connection and see it in themselves. I for one have seen it (Even if Cygnus, the meteor that struck Egypt, was simply a combination of the two, a 1:1 correlation would still be significant. This is where the overall conclusion comes in – Cygnus is not the cause of the Nile Floods.) - Lyra and "Giza"


We have interpreted much of the symbolism of
Göbekli Tepe in terms of astronomical events. By matching
low-relief carvings on some of the pillars at Göbekli Tepe to
star asterisms we find compelling evidence that the famous
'Vulture Stone' is a date stamp for 10950 BC ± 250 yrs, which
corresponds closely to the proposed Younger Dryas event,
estimated at 10890 BC. We also find evidence that a key
function of Göbekli Tepe was to observe meteor showers and
record cometary encounters. Indeed, the people of Göbekli Tepe
appear to have had a special interest in the Taurid meteor
stream, the same meteor stream that is proposed as responsible
for the Younger-Dryas event.
One of the greatest mysteries of the
ancient mound building culture of America is why mounds were
arranged in deliberate geometic configurations. Recently it
has been shown that many sites were constructed in precise
configurations to permit rituals that assisted the souls of
the deceased to make a transition to the sky. This was the
most important ceremony in this ancient culture and the
beliefs associated with it extend back several thousand years.
The ideas of this death journey are generally termed The Path
of Souls.
British author Andrew Collins raised the question about the
importance of Cygnus around 2008. He found that Deneb, the
brightest star of Cygnus, was the North Star some 18,000 years
ago and believes that it may have gained its significance at
that time.
Pseudo-Hyginus, Astronomica 1. 8 :
"[Constellation Cygnus.] The sign the
Greeks call the Swan, but others, out of ignorance of the
story, have called it ornis, the general term for bird. This
reason for the name has been handed down : When Jupiter
[Zeus], moved by desire, had begun to love Nemesis, and
couldn't persuade her to lie with him, he relieved his
passion by the following plan. He bade Venus [Aphrodite], in
the form of an eagle, pursue him; he, changed to a swan, as
if in flight from the eagle, took refuge with Nemesis and
lighted in her lap. Nemesis did not thrust him away, but
holding him in her arms, fell into a deep sleep. While she
slept, Jupiter embraced her, and then flew away. Because he
was seen by men flying high in the sky, they said he was put
in the stars. To make this really true, Jupiter put the swan
flying and the eagle pursuing in the sky.
But Nemesis, as if wedded to the tribe of birds, when her
months were ended, bore an egg. Mercurius [Hermes] took it
away and carried it to Sparta and threw it in Leda's lap.
From it sprang Helen, who excelled all other girls in
beauty. Leda called her her own daughter.
Others say that Jove [Zeus], in the form of a swan, lay with
Leda. We shall leave the matter undecided."
Leda Atomica is organized according to a
rigid mathematical framework, following the "divine
proportion". Leda and the swan are set in a pentagon
inside which has been inserted a five-point star of which
Dalí made several sketches. The five points of the star
symbolize the seeds of perfection: love, order, light
(truth) willpower and word (action). The harmony of the
framework was calculated by the artist following the
recommendations of Romanian mathematician Matila Ghyka.
Unlike his contemporaries who took the view that
mathematics distracted from or interrupted artistic
inspiration, Dalí considered that any work of art, to be
such, had to be based on composition and calculation.
Ghyka's influence is clear in the mathematical formula of
the golden ratio in the lower right of the image which
Ghyka specifically cites to calculate the side of a
regular pentagon.
[DEV NOW: 9 months ago
this tune was implanted by GOD into the producers mind.
This track is so complex and melodic ,in 1994 it was 30 years
ahead of its time]
The comet suddenly appeared in images from SOHO's Solar Wind
ANisotropies instrument, which goes by the acronym "SWAN."
Mattiazzo has discovered eight comets since 2004 by carefully
checking SWAN data most every day.
SOHO's SWAN instrument was not designed to find comets; its job
is to survey the solar system for hydrogen. But because the
comet is spewing a fairly significant amount of hydrogen in the
form of water ice, it was picked up by SWAN.
Coincidentally, Mattiazzo lives in Swan Hill, Victoria,
in '09 CERN began collisions with two of the lattice-graphene materials – one containing just four atoms, the other 64. some of the dimensional axes were manipulated to describe the presence of certain atoms, such as helium. by comparison, regular silicon has 27 different axes, but only 1 in 10 of those can be manipulated to describe helium atoms. in this experiment, researchers jigged up an 800K laser to de-electrify the two-dimensional lattice-graphene oxide nanotubes, allowing them to rotate: the resulting helium plasma (blue) reacts with the copper-infused carbon to form a composite from the single-atom lattice which resembles the exact double-helix structure of human DNA. the particles were correlated with original big bang research in their astrophysics division (Joe Atkinson, NASA Langley Research Center) to "uncover the origin, structure, evolution of our cosmos."
--work done in collaboration with NASA's "Cyclone_Global_Navigation_Satellite_System"