Georgia man who leads country's UFO investigation program to brief lawmakers publicly
Information on how your "NEW NORMAL" is The Tip of The Iceberg....
TV - Tech - Social Media - Music release unnatural amounts of Dopamine into your BRAIN. Digital Opoid. This A.I, Alien is hypnotizing you into PASSIVITY. Tech co.'s trick is to LURE you in with "High" Jacking Techniques and Interverls of COMPULSION LOOPS. Get you Addicted giving "rewards" (social content) at RANDOM as a Global Social Experiment for the Masses. Please circulate this link so we can INFORM THE UN-INFORMED. Convince your friends and family to look into this so we can awaken. Get this on their breakfast tables! Please Help for the SAKE-OF-FUTURE-GENERATIONS! Do not blindly accept "social media" - ask Why?!
Pentagon, Psyops and Holographic Technology Quoting from CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT - June
HOLOGRAPHIC TECHNOLOGY The March 31, 1997 DEFENSE WEEK ran a story, "Air
Force Organizes For Offensive Info War". According to the
article, the US Air Force has created the position of deputy
director for information operations. An "Offensive Information
Warfare" division will be created under the new deputy director.
The division will be created under the new deputy director. The
division will have the organizational code AF/XOIOW and will be
headed by Lt. Col. Jimmy Miyamoto. Offensive information warfare, which implies
attacks on both military and civilian targets, is among the
least discussed aspect of the Air Force's moves to organize,
train, and equip the service for information dominance, the
article admits. The new information Operations office will
coordinate with the Pentagon's Joint Chiefs of Staff, National
Security Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, Central
Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, Defense
Airborne Reconnaissance Office and the National Imagery and
Mapping Agency. New research efforts are underway to support this
new program, including: Lethal HPM munitions. The USAF Office of
Scientific Research is working on developing a small affordable
laser and high-powered microwave for unmanned aerial vehicles
(UAVs - such as the ones being tested most likely at locations
such as at Groom Lake Complexes (AREA 51) in Nevada, General
Aerodynamics facility at El Mirage Dry Lake area, north of
McDonnel-Douglas radar cross-section site near Llano, California
- Norio ) to perform a wide variety of missions, including enemy
communications and computer systems. Software viruses to be placed or injected into
enemy weapons and information links. These viruses would remain
dormant until activated by satellite, aircraft radar, or jamming
equipment, etc. When activated, the virus would render the
equipment useless, or better yet, "there could be a very subtle
change for a finite period of time". Holographic projection. The article describes a
quasi-information warfare/psychological operations program that
was first discussed in the Air Force after Desert Storm.
Holographic projection involves projection of a
three-dimensional holographic image in project decoys, or even
an "angry god" (religious imagery) above the battlefield. The Pentagon had listed the holographic
projections openly as part of its "non-lethal" weapons program.
But since 1994, the program has disappeared from view, evidently
now a "black" effort, says DEFENSE WEEK. In conclusion, the DEFENSE WEEK article states
that the Army's JFK Special Warfare Center and School in late
1991 disclosed that it was looking to develop a PSYOPS Hologram
System with a capability "to project persuasive messages and
three-dimensional pictures of cloud, smoke, rain droplets,
buildings......(even religious "images" or "figures")........The
use of holograms as a persuasive message will have worldwide
application". (end quoting). (This looks like it will be a
concentrated unit of soldiers armed with the very latest
high-tech weapons systems)
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