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Today's News:

>200 Headless Goats Found in Georgia River
>Woman Reports Anomalous Glowing Orb in Douglasville
>Would King Solomon Approve Of Modern Day Freemasonry?
>Mesoamerican Sculptures Reveal Early Knowledge of Magnetism
>GA Funeral Home Director Arrested after 18 Decomposing Bodies Found
>New Theory Links Serpent Mound Cults, Impact Craters and High Science
>Cox scion's defection over 'Cop City' exposes media conflicts, old-money power
>EBay pays $3 million to settle 2019 gangstalking charge that involved former CEO

My Statement On LetterBoxd

Babylon Treasury--Where's My Money?


🏰Coral Castle(2025)

Sacred Phobia (2025)

Hell's H.A.A.R.P. <<UPDATED
Danny Castle <<UPDATED for 2025
Mass Chaostrails <<UPDATED for 2025
Today's Reading: Thought-Forms, by Annie Besant & C.W. Leadbeater

03/23/25GalleryMy MusicThrough Miller's DaleH.A.A.R.P.Mind Control is "Patent"-ly ObviousSyntaxMayanCalertaGiantsSynthetic CaffeineUFOs in AtlantaCentaurs Were RealSearch The Web T.R.F.My Art: Paintings for Sale!PD187-TVMexico: Crystal Caves of the Naica MinePersonal Encounters: Giant Shrimp In The Laundry RoomThe Anatolian Cult of SabaziosShiva StarMars SkeletonsReturn To UstriyyeA-ZPeanutAxe YellingThis Variant Does Not Aproach MeCottingley FairiesInterview by Mario EscotoWILLIAMSPORT, LYCOMING COUNTY Hot Stuff 😈Atargatis ♦  Witch Mountain ♦ T.$.P. ♦ Danny CastleGAK-FAQ ♦ перевертень ♦ JoeSightingsBest Beloved TuppenceInsect CalculatorWilliam Dudley Pelley's SoulcraftThe Truth about Twin PeaksThe Jupiter MenaceThe Cygnus MysteryCetacean Intelligence & Extraterrestrial ContactUFOs in Atlanta: CIA Role in Study of UFOs 1947-90BurpoDogon-Sirius Connection Tybee 1840 Larvae Wood GrainN.G.S.E.Audio Implant

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ApeNet (2025)

The American Institute of Metaphysics

PD187: NUT International Truck



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